
A Happy Memory of Working with ASIPP

    The picture shows the participants of the 7th Meeting of the ITPA Topical Group on Diagnostics in front of ASIPP. It was the first time ever that an ITPA TG meeting was held in China and also the first ITPA TG meeting ever with Korean participation. It was also the first time we worked together; you as local organiser and I undersigned as the chair.  

  I still have excellent memories of this meeting. In fact it was the first ITPA TG meeting ever demonstrating real-time feedback control of a participant. That sounds strange but in fact it isn’t. At that time I used to maintain the website of the Diagnostics TG with all presentations of all previous meetings. Since the meeting at ASIPP was the first Topical Group meeting at which we had excellent Wifi connection in the meeting room, I had the opportunity to occasionally check things on the TG website while the meeting was going on. When one of the participants (let’s call him Danny de Vito) gave his talk, the slides where very familiar to me. So I checked what Danny had presented a year earlier, and it turned out that he was presenting exactly the same presentation as before. When I then asked him why he was doing that, he told me that there were a few people in the room that hadn’t seen the presentation yet. I told him that in case we would do this for all things, we never would make progress with fusion, and asked him to only present the new part of his talk. He then switched to his last slides, where he had added three words. In my view this was the first demonstration of real-time feedback control of a speaker. The meeting was a great success and the Chinese presentations were well organised and made a big impact to the audience. 

  Contributor information: 

  Tony Donne, EUROfusion 

  Tony. Donne@euro-fusion.org 











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