
1月21日 Divertor power exhaust modelling through edge plasma codes

2025-01-20|【 【打印】【关闭】

  报告题目: Divertor power exhaust modelling through edge plasma codes

  报告人:吴昊声 助理教授(都灵理工大学)

  主持人:石鹏 副研究员

  时  间:2025年1月21日(星期二)下午14:30-15:00

  地  点:EAST控制大厅2楼会议室


  For nuclear fusion reactors, a significant amount of power will go into the Scape-Off Layer (SOL) region. The power mainly transports along the magnetic field line and finally arrives at the divertor targets. The power flux at the divertor targets, without any volumetric dissipation, can be ~50 MW/m−2, which exceeds the divertor engineering limitation. To explore the potential solutions, several numerical codes are developed. The most widely used code covers from 1D to 3D, e.g.  ReMKiT1D, DIV1D, SOLPS-ITER, UEDGE, SOLEDEG2D, EMC3-EIRENE and Hermes-3 etc. In this presentation, the basic physics for edge plasma transport will be introduced. The applications of the edge plasma codes for the power exhaust modelling of various devices, e.g. AUG, DTT, Alcator C-Mod etc., will be discussed mainly to focus on the code validation, impurity seeding and advanced divertor configurations.
