
11月22日 DTT vacuum pumping and fuelling systems

2023-11-16|【 【打印】【关闭】

  题目:DTT vacuum pumping and fuelling systems

  时间:11月22日 星期三 14:00-15:00 

  报告人:Paolo Innocente 研究员(意大利RFX实验室)



  The talk presents the edge modeling activity dedicated to the design of the DTT divertor. The new high field superconducting divertor tokamak test facility (DTT) is presently under construction to specifically study power exhaust solutions in reactor relevant regimes. The first DTT divertor will use the ITER-like technology based on full tungsten monoblocks bonded on CuCrZr cooling tubes to be able to sustain heat fluxes up to 20 MW/m2. To test and compare a wide set of different power exhaust solutions, the divertor is being designed to be compatible with the standard SND configuration but also with some ADCs, like the X divertor (XD) and the hybrid Super-X/long leg SN. Additionally, the L-mode negative triangularity (NT) operation is considered important to explore as a solution to avoid ELMs.

  报告人简介:Dr. Paolo Innocente is a plasma physicist working on magnetically confined plasmas of interest for controlled nuclear fusion research. His expertise lies in the field of edge-divertor modeling in standard and alternative divertor configurations, PWI interaction studies, alternative divertor configuration experiments, divertor interaction optimization, PWI diagnostic measurement, data analysis and code development, RFP experiment optimization.He is the coordinator of DTT edge and exhaust physics activities, DTT project leader of pumping system design.