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  1.ITER装置CTB盒冷屏绝热结构初步设计与分析,低温与超导,Vol. 36,No. 3, 2008:p. 8-10

  2.ITER CTB盒冷屏的支撑结构与传热耦合分析,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol. 29,No. 2,2009:p. 166-170

  3.ITER超导纵场线圈内馈线系统传热分析,低温与超导,Vol. 37,No. 11,2009:p. 21-25

  4.ITER 68 kA高温超导特大电流引线研发,低温物理学报,Vol. 31,No. 1,2009:p. 41-45

  5.CASIPP 核聚变工程发展与超导大规模应用,低温物理学报,Vol. 31,No. 5,2009:p. 200-204

  6.EAST超导托克马克磁体的大型供电供冷外馈线,低温物理学报,Vol. 31,No. 4,2009:p. 333-337

  7.HTS大电流引线的阻性换热器安全性与效率,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol. 29,No. 3,2009:p. 234-238

  8.ITER 10 kA 高温超导电流引线的数值分析,低温物理学报,Vol. 31,No. 5,2009:p. 231-235

  9.ITER 磁体馈线系统超导接头性能研究,低温物理学报,Vol. 31,No. 5,2009:p. 24-27

  10.NSTX装置OH线圈的工程设计和制造,合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版),Vol. 32,No. 12,2009:p. 1944-1948

  11.EAST装置误差场分析,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol. 29,No. 2,2009:p. 174-177

  12.ITER真空室中子屏蔽组件的结构动力学有限元分析,核聚变与等离子体物理 vol.29,No.2, 2009: p142-145

  13.固体自润滑材料在EAST超导托卡马克中的应用, Vol. 34,No. 8,2009:p. 92-96

  14.EAST 超导托卡马克偏滤器水冷结构设计,核聚变与等离子体物理 vol.29,No.4, 2009: p142-145


  16.ITER遥控运转车对准系统的设计,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol. 29,No. 4,2009:p. 357-360

  17.ITER遥控运输车初步结构及抗震分析,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol. 29,No. 3,2009:p. 270-273


  19.ITER校正场线圈的结构分析,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol. 29,No. 3,2009:p. 264-269

  20.ITER高温超导电流引线超导模件的研究,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol.29,No.3. 2009:p. 219-223

  21.EAST复合材料轴向绝缘子性能测试,低温工程, No.4. 2009:p. 23-27

  22.The design, analysis and alignment of EAST divertor,Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, 2009: p.78–82

  23.Re-Design and Realization of Automatic Control for the Compressor Station of the 2 kW Helium Cryoplant,Plasma Science Technolgy, Vol.11, 2009: p.504-509

  24.The Structural Design and Analysis of Pallet in ITER Transfer Cask for Remote Handling Operations,Plasma Science and Technology,Vol. 11,No. 3,2009:p. 352-358

  25.Seismic Response Analysis for Equatorial Diagnostic Port Plug of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor,Journal of Central South University of Technology,Vol.16,No.1,2009:p.112-118

  26. Structural Design and Force Analysis for Equatorial Diagnostic Port Plug of ITER, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.1, 2009:p.94-99

  27.Baking Analysis of the ITER Equatorial Diagnostic Port Plug,Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.3, 2009:p.341-346

  28.The Superconducting Magnets for EAST Tokamak,21st International Conference on Magnet technology,Hefei,October18-23,2009

  29.Design of the ITER TF Magnet Feeder Systems,21th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Hefei, 2009.10

  30.Design and Test Results of Joints for ITER TF Feeder Current Leads and Superconducting busbars, 21thInternational Confere-nce on Magnet Technology , Hefei, 2009.10

  31.Safety Research of the 68 kA Trial-HTS Current Lead for ITER,21th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Hefei, 2009.10

  32. Conceptual design of EAST Flexible In-Vessel Inspection System, ISFNT-9, Dalian, China. 11-16 October, 2009

  33.Plasma Facing Components of EAST, ISFNT-9,. Dalian, China. 11-16 October, 2009

  34.Design, fabrication and assembly of EAST plasma facing components, Asia Plasma and Fusion Association, Japan. October 2009

  35.Stress Analysis of the outer target plate of EAST Tokamak under electromagnetic load, the 7th APFA conference,Japan,Otc.26-Otc.31,2009


  37. ITER TF 馈线中S弯盒冷屏结构设计与热分析,第九届全国低温工程大会论文集(低温与超导增刊),合肥,2009

  38. 国际热核聚变堆校正场线圈冷却方案初步设计,第九届全国低温工程大会论文集(低温与超导增刊),合肥,2009

  39.ITER 纵场磁体超导母线设计与电磁分析,第九届全国低温工程大会论文集(低温与超导增刊),合肥,2009

















  55. Non-Characteristic Harmonics Analysis of the ITER Pulsed Power Supply, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.4, 2009:p.493-498


  56.ITER TF导体制造研究,低温与超导,第37卷,第11期,2009:p.335-340



  59.传导冷却50kA CICC导体接头设计,低温工程,第171卷,2009:p.1-4

  60.ITER PF导体铠甲低温力学性能研究,低温与超导,第37卷,第9期,2009:p.31-33

  61.Mechanical tests on the ITER PF SS316L Jacket after compaction, Asian Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics, Japan, 2009


  63.FAIR超导二极磁体实验失超保护系统设计与分析,核聚变与等离子体物理,第28卷,第4期,2008, p333-336




  67.50kA-10T CICC超导导体测试装置低温系统设计,2009年中国制冷学会学术年会,天津,2009




  71.The new alternating direction implicit difference methods for the wave equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.230, No.1, 2009: p213-223

  72.Experience of Safely Operating EAST Superconducting Magents, Invited paper.21st International Conferece on Magnet Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China,2009, October 18-23

  73.Test Facility for ITER CC Conductor, 21st International Conference on Magnet Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China, 2009


  75.The 50 kA Superconducting Transformer for Testing ITER CC Conductors Short Samples, 21st  International Conference of Magnet Technology,HeFei, China,2009



  77.Copper-induced germline apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans: The independent roles of DNA damage response signaling and the dependent roles of MAPK cascades, Chemico-Biological Interactions. Vol.180  2009,  p.151–157

  78.Up-regulation of ROS by mitochondria-dependent bystander signaling contributes to genotoxicity of bystander effects, Mutation Research -Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Vol.666, 2009,  p.68-73

  79.Activated Toxicity of Diesel Particulate Extract by Ultraviolet A Radiation in Mammalian Cells: Role of Singlet Oxygen, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol.117,No.3, 2009, p.437-441,

  80.Infochemical-mediated preference behavior of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, when searching for its hosts , Entomol. Fennica  Vol.19,  2009,  p.257-267

  81.Enhanced enzymatic saccharification of rice straw by microwave pretreatment. Bioresource technology  Vol.100, 2009,  p.1279-1284,

  82.Olfactory Responses of Lariophagus distinguendus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to Volatile Signals Derived from Host Habitats. Philippine Agricultural Scientist, Vol.92 No.2, 2009,  p133-142

  83.Study on the Relationship between Lipoxygenase-3 and the Characteristic of Resisting Storage Insects of Rice Grain. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment,  Vol.7, No. 3&4, 2009, p.334-338 ,

  84.L(+)-Lactic acid production by co-fermentation of glucose and xylose with Rhizopus oryzae obtained by low-energy ion beam irradiation, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol.36,  2009,  p1363-1368

  85.Use Pgal agarose minimal plate to screen lac constitutive mutation, Annals of Microbiology, Vol.59, No.1,  2009,  p.179-182 .

  86.SOS induction by vacuum, desiccation and low-energy ion beam mock-irradiation in bacteria, Annals of Microbiology,  Vol.59, No. 4, 2009,  p.815-821,

  87.Enhanced Production of Surfactin by Bacillussubtilis E8 Mutant Obtained by Ion Beamm Implantation, Liming Yao and Zengliang Yu, Food Technol. Biotechnol,  Vol.47,No.1, 2009, p.27-31,

  88.Mutagenic Mechanisms of Ion Implantation in Plants, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,  2009, p.247-250.

  89.A Study of Mutation Breeding of High-Yielding Tryptophanase Escherichia coli by Low-Energy N+ Ion Beam Implantation, Plasma Science and Technology  Vol.11, No.6,  2009,  p.744-749

  90.Rapid decolourization of azo dyes by a new isolated higher manganese  peroxidase producer: Phanerochaete sp. HSD, Biochemical Engineering Journal,  Vol. 46, 2009,  No.3, p.327–333

  91.A unique technology of transforming inorganic nano-rods to nano-networks, Nanotechnology,  Vol. 20,  2009,  p.255302(6pp),

  92.Overproduction of Trametes versicolor laccase by making glucose starvation using yeast, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Vol. 45, No.2,  2009,  p.146–149,

  93.双极膜电渗析分离发酵液中L-乳酸,生物加工过程,  Vol.7, No.6, 2009,  p.45-50

  94.高效利用木糖产油的氮离子注入Mortierella alpina诱变选育研究,激光生物学报,  Vol. 18,No.5,  2009,  p.673-681

  95.化肥控失技术创新及其应用, 高科技与产业化,  No.6, 2009, p106-108

  96.控失型化肥在安徽沿江棉区的应用效果研究, 安徽农学通报,Vol. 15,No.13,  2009,  p.86-87

  97.安徽沿江棉区控失型化肥施用技术研究,安徽农业科学,Vol.37,No.32,  2009,  p.15824-15826

  98.沙柱淋溶法改进前后化肥氮素释放特性比较,安徽农学通报,  Vol.37,No.27,  2009,  p.12978-12980


  99.A Simulation of the Effect of Collisional Dissipation of Fast Electrons on the Radial Profiles of the Current Driven by Lower-Hybrid-Waves on the HT-7 Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.6, 2009: p.647-650

  100. Electron temperature difference between the o-point and x-point of a magnetic island, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 16, No. 9, 2009: 092308

  101. Heat Diffusion across a Strong Stochastic Magnetic Field in Tokamak Plasmas, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 26, No.6, 2009:065201

  102. Numerical investigation of the finite k effect on the damping rate of geodesic acoutic mode in collisionless plasmas, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.26, No. 4, 2009: 045202

  103. Study of Heat Transport Across a Quasi-Stochastic Magnetic Field in Magnetic Confined Plasma Physics, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.6, 2009:657

  104. Momentum transport in DIII-D discharges with and without magnetohydrodynamcis(MHD) activity, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol 11, No. 1, 2009: p127-p130

  105. Estimates of the Radial Electric Field in Tokamak-Like Plasmas, Plasma Phys., Vol. 49. No.1-2, 2009: p.70-75

  106. Transport modeling of EAST with NBI and LHRF, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No. 4, 2009: p.417-421


  107. Vacuum and wall conditioning system on EAST, EAST vacuum and wall conditioning group, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, 2009: p.2167–2173

  108. Comparison of O-ICR wall conditionings for limiter configuration in HT-7 and divertor one in EAST,Journal of Nuclear Materials 390–391 (2009) 929–933

  109. EAST超导托卡马克装置的充气系统, EAST真空技术与壁处理组,中国真空学会真空工程学术交流会,青海省西宁市,2009年7月

  110. EAST超导托卡马克装置真空抽气系统;中国真空学会真空工程学术交流会,青海省西宁市,2009年7月

  111. 毫米波幅度调制反射仪系统研究,全国微波毫米会议,西安,2009

  112. High Wavenumber Density Fluctuation Measurement in the HT-7 Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.5, 2009: p.1-6

  113. Simulation of light emission from hydrocarbon injection in TEXTOR using the ERO code, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol.50, 2009: 055019

  114. Real time Suppressions MHD with Active Feedback Modulating LHW and IBW on HT-7 Superconducting Tokamak, Jianshan Mao, the Fifty-first Annual Meeting of the American PhysicalSociety-Division of Plasma Physics (APS-DPP) in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A, November 2-6, 2009

  115. HT-7上氘等离子体放电时中子注量的测量与分析,物理学报,第58卷,第5期,2009年: P.3262-3267

  116. EAST激光汤姆逊散射诊断系统数据分析和处理方法的改进,第十四届全国等离子体科学技术会议,大连,2009年

  117. ECR plasmas for wall conditioning of the HT-7 tokamak, Physica Scripta, Vol.79, 2009: 015502

  118. ECR discharge cleaning and followed He GDC on HT-7 tokamak, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.390–391, 2009: p.1051–1054

  119. HT-7装置低杂波电流驱动逃逸电子行为分析,核聚变与等离子体物理,第29卷,第1期,2009:P150-155

  120. Investigation of Anomalous Doppler Instability in Ohmic and LHCD Discharges in the HT-7 Tokamak,Physic Scripta, Vol.80, 2010

  121. Runaway electron behaviors on AC operation of the HT-7 tokamak, 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, sofia, 2009

  122. Runaway electron measurenments in the EAST Tokamak, Contributions to Plasma Physics, Vol.50, No.2, 2010: P117-121

  123. HT-7托卡马克等离子体slide-away放电模式研究,中国核学会2009年学术年会,北京,2009年11月

  124. Particles Behavior in Quasi-stead-state AC Plasma on HT-7 Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.4, 2009: P422-426

  125. Study on C-W interactions by molecular dynamics simulations, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, Vol. 267, 2009:  p3144-3147

  126. Molecular dynamics simulations of atomic carbon on tungsten surface, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 390–391, 2009: p136-139

  127. Modeling of heat deposition on the W/Cu HT-7 movable limiter in HT-7,Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.85,  2010: p .126–129

  128. Behavior of tungsten with exposure to deuterium plasmas, Nuclerar Instruments and Methods in Physics Resreach B, Vol.267, 2009: p.3041-3045

  129. Characteristics of energy transport of Li-conditioned and non-Li-conditioned plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), Plasma Physics Controlled Fusion, Vol.52, 2010: p .015001

  130. HT-7托卡马克大功率低混杂波电流驱动的实验研究,物理学报,第58卷,第12期,2009:p.8448-8453

  131. Design of a five-channel DCN laser interferometer on EAST; Plasma Devices and Operations Vol. 17, No. 1, 2009: p.16–22

  132. Effect of gas puffing on current ramp-down ohmic discharges in HT-7 tokamak, Physics Letters A , Vol.373,  2009: p.1133–1139

  133. ICRF wall conditioning and plasma performance on EAST, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.390–391 2009: p. 864–868

  134. Progress of LHCD and IBW Heating Experiments on HT-7 Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.4, 2009: p.381-384

  135. Improvement of divertor triple probe system and its measurements under full graphite wall on EAST, Fusion Engineering and Design Vol.84, 2009: p.57-63

  136. Divertor Plasma Properties for a Lower Single-Null Discharge in EAST, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.4, 2009: p.448-451

  137. Soft X-ray PHA Diagnostic for the Electron Temperature Measurements on EAST, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.4,2009:p.468-471


  138. Equilibrium properties on the EAST superconducting tokamak, Journal of Plasma Physics, Vol.75, 2009: p.337-344

  139. 基于DSP的模数混合长时间积分器,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol.29, No.2, 2009: p.279-283

  140. HT-7积分器系统的定时触发模块设计与实现,核技术,Vol.32, No.4, 2009:p.309-312

  141. The stability margin on EAST tokamak, Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.6, 2009: p.1674-1056

  142. EAST视频点播系统的设计与实现,微计算机信息,第25卷,第12-3期,2009:p.9-11

  143. HT-7 HCN信号测量与处理算法设计,核聚变与等离子体物理, 第29卷,第3期,2009: p.248-252

  144. Performance Enhancements in the EAST Digital Plasma Control System, Plasma Science and Technology,Vol. 11, No.6, 2009: p734-738

  145. Theoretical studies on dielectronic recombination of neonlike gold and its effects on plasma ionization balance and radiation energy, THE European Physical Journal D,Vol.55, 2009: p.57-65

  146. 类Na离子振子强度的相对论效应,强激光与离子束,第21卷,第2期, 2009:p.281-286

  147. 自适应智能型积分器设计,计算机工程与应用,第99卷, 第5期, 2009:p.85-87

  148. 电能质量监测高速数据采集系统的设计和实现,电力系统保护与控制,第39卷,第3期, 2009:p.69-72

  149. LINUX下多线程并行处理在HT-7极向场控制系统的应用,计算机应用,第29卷, 第6期, 2009:p.1742-1744

  150. HT-7托卡马克上实时EFIT程序的数据采集实现,计算机测量与控制,第17卷,第3期, 2009:p.603-604转616

  151. 基于TMS320F2812的电网谐波监测系统,微计算机信息,第25卷, 第2-2期, 2009:p.144-145转254

  152. EAST实验视频采集系统的设计与实现,微计算机信息,第25卷,第7-3期,2009:p.265-267

  153. Equilibrium Reconstruction in EAST Tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.2, Apr. 2009: p.142-145

  154. EAST装置交替式积分器设计,核聚变与等离子体物理,第29卷, 第3期, 2009: p.275-278

  155. 基于CP2200的嵌入式以太网模块设计,微计算机信息,第25卷, 第12-2期, 2009:p.54-55转46

  156. A new low drift integrator system for the Experiment Advanced Superconductor Tokamak, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.80, 2009:053506

  157. 低通PID算法在HT-7密度控制系统中的应用研究,核电子学与探测技术,第29卷,第5期,2009: p.970-973

  158. EAST等离子体电子密度测量与处理算法设计,核电子学与探测技术,第29卷,第3期,2009: p.615-619

  159. Implementation of Gas Control Algorithm in the EASTPCS, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.2, 2009: p231-235

  160. 托卡马克装置中磁场探针标定系统,核聚变与等离子体物理,第29卷,第2期,2009年:p. 178-181

  161. The magnetic field configuration measurement on EAST tokamak,Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, No.1, 2009年:p.19-23

  162. RTEFIT/ISOFLUX Plasma Control EAST, presented at "36th International Conference on Plasma Science and 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering"San Diego, California. (submitted to IEEE transactions on Plasma Sciences), May 31 – June 5, 2009

  163. Current status of EAST plasma control and data acquisition, oral presentation at "Real Time Conference, 2009. RT '09. 16th IEEE-NPSS",  (submitted to IEEE transaction on Nuclear Science), Beijing, China, 10-15 May 2009

  164. New Achievements in the EAST Plasma Control System, 7th Technial Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Cadarache, France, 15 - 19 June 2009

  165. 等离子体电流保护在EAST控制系统中的应用,第十四届全国计算机网络在现代科学技术领域的应用学术会议,内蒙古海拉尔,2009,7月5-9日 

  166. East Integrated Control System, 7th Technial Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Cadarache, France, 15 - 19 June 2009

  167. Continuous and Real-Time Data Acquisition Embedded System for EAST,16th Real Time Conference,China, May 10 ~ 15, 2009

  168. Design and Implementation for EAST Central Control System, 16th Real Time Conference, China, May 10 ~ 15, 2009

  169. A compact PCI based continuous and real-time data acquisition system for EAST tokomak, 16th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference, Beijing, China, May 10 ~ 15, 2009

  170. WebScope: A New Tool for Fusion Data Analysis and Visualization,16th Real Time Conference, IHEP Beijing, May 10-15th, 2009

  171. Online Equilibrium Reconstruction for EAST Plasma Discharge,16th Real Time Conference IHEP Beijing, May 10-15th, 2009

  172. MDSplus数据存储应用,第十四届全国计算机网络在现代科学技术领域的应用学术会议,内蒙古海拉尔 7月5-9日 

  173. 基于FPGA的低零漂数字积分器,第十四届全国计算机、网络在现代科学技术领域的应用学术会议,内蒙古海拉尔,2009年7月

  174. 基于并行处理技术的EAST分析数据库的设计,第十四届全国计算机网络在现代科学技术领域的应用学术会议,内蒙古海拉尔 7月5-9日


  175. EAST氦制冷系统中喷油螺杆压机性能特性分析研究,第九届全国低温工程大会,合肥·黄山,2009年9月24日至29日

  176. EAST氦低温系统透平故障分析,低温工程,No.3,2009:p.41-45

  177. 浮力式低温液位计的设计原理及运行工况分析,低温与超导,Vol.37, No.7,2009:p.16-19

  178. EAST低温系统节流膨胀冷却级运行模式分析,第九届全国低温工程大会,合肥·黄山,2009年9月24日至29日

  179. EAST装置低温系统运行状况,全国首届粒子加速器真空与低温技术研讨会,海南三亚,2009年9月19日~24日

  180. EAST低温控制系统结构分析,全国 首届粒子加速器真空与低温技术研讨会,海南三亚,2009年9月19日~24日

  181. EAST装置内置低温冷凝泵低温分配阀箱的研制,低温与超导,第37卷,第3期,2009:p.12-14

  182. 氦低温系统螺杆压缩机组运行性能分析及节能优化,低温工程,第2期,2009:p.15-19

  183. 调用氦物性程序对10K下透平喷嘴的气动性进行数值模拟及分析,低温工程,第2期,2009:p.20-25

  184. EAST降温实验中HTS电流引线的降温操作与自动控制,低温与超导,第37卷,第7期,2009:p.1-8

  185. EAST低温系统超临界氦循环泵的自动控制,低温工程,第6期,2009:p.26-33

  186. Design and Implementation of quench protection in EAST Crgogenic control system, Plasma Science and Technology  Vol.11, No.3,2009:p.347-351


  187. LabVIEW在染料敏化太阳电池测试系统中的应用,安徽大学学报(自然科学版), Vol. 33, No. 4,  2009,  p.62-65

  188. 染料敏化太阳电池的研究进展阳光能源,No. 2,2009:p.41-43

  189. 四(十二烷基)氯化铵基小分子凝胶电解质染料敏化太阳电池,高等学校化学学报,Vol. 30,No. 6,2009,p.1214-1218

  190. 基于偏氟乙烯-六氟丙烯共聚物凝胶电解质的染料敏化太阳电池光电性能研究,化学学报, Vol. 67,No.19,2009,p.2253-2257

  191. Studies of interfacial recombination in the dyed TiO2 electrode using Raman spectra and electrochemical techniques,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,Vol.632,2009,p.133-138

  192. 染料敏化太阳电池研究进展,中国材料进展,Vol. 28,No. 7-8,2009,p.20-25

  193. Photoelectrochemical Effects of Guanidinium Thiocyanate on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance and Stability, The Journal of Physics Chemistry C, Vol. 113,No. 52,2009:p.21779-21783

  194. Theoretical modeling of the series resistance effect on dye-sensitized solar cell performance, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95,No. 24,2009,p.243503

  195. 锐钛矿相纳米TiO2晶体生长动力学及生长过程控制,物理学报, Vol. 58,No. 2,2009,p.1115-1119

  196. TiO2颗粒尺寸对染料敏化太阳电池内电子输运特性影响研究,物理学报, Vol.58,No.2,2009,p.1338-1343

  197. 强度调制光电流谱/光电压谱及其应用,化学进展,Vol. 21,No. 6,2009,p.1085-1093

  198. Synthesis of copper indium sulfide nanoparticles by solvothermal method,Materials Letters,Vol. 63,No. 13-14,2009:p.1192-1194.

  199. Characterization of Polymer/TiO2 Photovoltaic Cells by Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy, The Journal of Physics Chemistry C, No. 4,Vol. 113,2009, p.1624-1631

  200. Electric Field Effects on Charge Transport in Polymer/TiO2 Photovoltaic Cells Investigated by Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy, The Journal of Physics Chemistry C,Vol. 113,No. 28,2009,p.12608-12614.

  201. Cu2+对不同相形态中聚3-己基噻吩光学性质的影响,高等学校化学学报,Vol. 30,No. 4,2009 :p.792-795

  202. 非晶/结晶共混对聚合物光伏电池性能的影响,物理学报,Vol. 58,No. 9, 2009:p.6582-6589

  203. 氧化物薄膜材料在染料敏化太阳电池中的应用,功能陶瓷薄膜和涂层材料研讨会,北京,10.13-14,2009


  204. EAST2MW/2450MHz低杂波电流驱动系统综述,低杂波电流驱动小组,核电子学与探测技术,第9卷,第5期,2009:p. 1143-1148

  205. Design of TE10-TE30 Rectangular Mode Converter for 4.6GHz LHCD Lanuncher in the Experiment Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, Chines Physics Letters, Vol.26, No.2, 2009:025202

  206. EAST低杂波高压电源保护系统的设计和实现,核聚变与等离子体物理,第29卷,第2期,2009:p. 171-173

  207. 基于PLC的EAST LHCD高压电源反馈控制系统设计,核聚变与等离子体物理,第29卷,第3期,2009:p. 254-257

  208. HT-7装置低杂波前级系统及微波输出控制,核聚变与等离子体物理,第29卷,第2期,2009:p. 156-160

  209. HT-7低杂波相控天线阵的耦合特性分析,原子能科学技术,第43卷,第10期,2009:p. 871-876

  210. Study of bridging the spectral gap in lower hybrid wave current drive in HT-7 tokamak, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.5, 2009: p.534-538

  211. 基于Qt的低杂波稳态数据发布软件设计,核电子学与探测技术,第28卷,第6期,2008: p.1186-1189

  212. 3.7GHz大功率3db功分器设计,核电子学与探测技术,第28卷,第6期,2008: p. 1190-1192

  213. Simulation of Lower Hybrid Wave Propagation in EAST, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.5, 2009: p. 632-636

  214. 极向效应下低杂波耦合功率谱的计算,核聚变与等离子体物理,第29卷,第4期,2009:p. 305-308

  215. 捕获电子效应对电流驱动影响的数值研究,核聚变与等离子体物理,第29卷,第4期,2009:p. 150-155

  216. 基于嵌入式系统的离子回旋数据采集交换系统的开发和实现,核电子学与探测技术,第28卷,第6期,2008: p. 1081-1086

  217. 基于PLC伺服电机的EAST-ICRH电容控制,微计算机信息,第25卷,第1-1期,2009:p. 22-23

  218. EAST边界微波探测仪系统设计,微计算机信息,第25卷,第11-1期,2009:p. 101-103

  219. Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating System on EAST, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.4, 2009: p. 465-467

  220. EAST离子回旋加热系统高功率射频放大器阳极电源的研究,原子能科学技术,第43卷,第10期,2009: p. 935-941

  221. 基于QNX的EAST低杂波前级功率控制系统设计, 2009年中国信息技术应用学术研讨会,北京,2009年5月

  222. The Design of LHCD Phase Control System Based on QNX Operating System, IEEE CISE, Wu Han, China, 2009

  223. Influence of gas puffing on edge plasma chara cteristics in HT-7 tokamak, 36th EPS Conference on Plasama Physics Sofia Bulgaria, 29June -3July 2009

  224. RF experiments and future plan on Superconducting tokamak HT-7 and EAST, RADIO FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS: Proceedings of the 18th Topical Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1187, 2009: p. 181-188


  225. Synthesis of Monodispersed Pt Nanoparticles on Plasma Processed Carbon Nanotubes for Methanol Electro-oxidation Reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol.19, 2009: p.6720-6726

  226. Preparation of Highly Sulfonated Ultra-thin Proton Exchange Membranes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Surface Review and Letters, Vol.16, No.2, 2009: p.297-302

  227. Preparation and Characteristics of ‘Nafion-like’ Plasma Polymerized Membrane, The 31st International Symposium on Dry Process, Bushan Exhibition & Convention Center, Busan, Korea, September 24(Thu)-25(Fri), 2009

  228. 氢等离子体裂解煤制乙炔的研究进展,洁净煤技术,第15卷, 第5期,2009:p.60~61及70

  229. Characterization of Carbon Deposits Formed During Plasma Pyrolysis of Xinjiang Candle Coal, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.4,2009:p.487-492

  230. Effect of Feed Forms on the Results of Melting of Fly Ash by a DC Plasma Arc Furnace. Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.5, 2009:592-597

  231. DC Arc Plasma Furnace Melting of Waste Incinerator Fly Ash, Chen Mingzhou, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.1, 2009:62-65

  232. Electron Density and Temperature measurement by Stark Broadening in a Cold Argon Arc-Plasma Jet at Atmospheric Pressure, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.5, 2009: 560-563

  233. A Comparative study of hydrophilic modification of Polypropylene membranes by remote and direct Ar plasma, Plasma Science & Technology, Vol.11, No.5,2009:p.576-581

  234. 远程氩气等离子体引发接枝丙烯酸改性聚丙烯微孔膜的研究,真空科学与技术学报,第29卷, 第5卷,2009: p.556-561

  235. Coal pyrolysis to acetylene using dc hydrogen plasma torch: effects of system variables on acetylene concentration, Longwei Chen, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.42, No.5, 2009: 055505

  236. Numerical Study on the Acetylene Concentration in the Hydrogen-Carbon System in a Hydrogen Plasma Torch, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.3, 2009: p.321-326

  237. Energy balance in DC arc plasma melting furnace, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.2, 2009: p.206-210

  238. Isolated 4-20 mA Current-loop System in the Experiment of Coal Pyrolysis in H-plasma Producing Acetylene, Journal of Donghua University, Vol.26, No.5,2009:p.519-521

  239. Adsorption of humic acid and Eu(III) to multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Effect of pH, ionic strength and counterion effect, Radiochimstry Acta, Vol. 97, 2009: p. 141-148

  240. Adsorption of Pb(II) on Diatomite as Affected via Aqueous Solution Chemistry and Temperature, Colloid Surface A. Vol. 339, 2009: p. 159-166

  241. Effect of pH, ionic strength, foreign ions and temperature on the adsorption of Cu(II) from aqueous solution to GMZ bentonite. Colloid Surfaces A.Vol. 349, 2009: p.195-201

  242. 提高TiO2可见光催化性能改性方法研究进展, 化学进展, 第21卷, 第12卷, 2009: p.2492-2904

  243. Photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) in solution containing ZnO or ZSM-5 zeolite using oxalate as model organic compound in environment. Macroprous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol.117, 2009: p.243-248

  244. Removal of chromium from aqueous solution by using oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 162, 2009: p.1542-1550

  245. Adsorption of Ni(II) on oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes: effect of contact time, pH, foreign ions and PAA, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.166, 2009: p. 109-116

  246. Adsorption of Eu(III) onto TiO2: effect of pH, concentration, ionic strength and soil fulvic acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 168, 2009: p. 458-465

  247. Adsorption behavior of multiwall carbon nanotube / iron oxide magnetic composites for Ni(II) and Sr(II). Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.164, 2009: p. 923-928

  248. Effect of pH, ionic strength, temperature and humic substances on the sorption of Ni(II) to Na-attapulgite, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 150, 2009: p. 188-195

  249. Modeling of radionickel sorption on MX-80 bentonite as a function of pH and ionic strength, Science in China B : Chemistry, Vol. 52, No.3, 2009: p. 362-371

  250. Plasma induced grafting carboxymethyl cellulose on multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the removal of UO22+ from aqueous solution, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 113, No. 4, 2009: p. 860-864

  251. Europium Adsorption on Multiwall Carbon Nanotube / Iron Oxide Magnetic Composite in the Presence of Polyacrylic Acid, Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 43, No. 7, 2009 : p. 2362-2367

  252. Eu(III) Sorption to TiO2 (Anatase and Rutile): Batch, XPS, and EXAFS Study, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No. 9, 2009 : p. 3115-3121

  253. Sorption of Eu(III) on Attapulgite Studied by Batch, XPS and EXAFS Techniques, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No. 15, 2009 : p. 5776-5782

  254. Polymer Membrane Synthesized by a Plasma Polymerization Technique as a Proton Transport Facilitator for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs), 2nd International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP 2009), BEXCO Convention Center, Busan, Korea, September 22-25, 2009

  255. Plasma Deposition of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Applications, International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2009) (ICMAP 2009), BEXCO Convention Center, Busan, Korea, September 20-25, 2009


  256. Fusion-Based Hydrogen Production Reactor and Its Material Selection, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.386-388, 2009, p.122-126

  257. CAD-based Interface Programs for Fusion Neutron Transport Simulation, Fusion Engineering and Design,  Vol.84, 2009, p.1987-1992.

  258. Progress in Compatibility Experiments on Lithium-Lead with Candidate Structural Materials for Fusion in China, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, 2009, p.242-246

  259. Welding Techniques Development of CLAM steel for Test Blanket Module, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, 2009, p.1184-1187

  260. Preliminary Experiment on Compatibility of SiCf/SiC Composites in Static Liquid LiPb at 700℃, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, 2009, p.2048-2051

  261. Preliminary experiments on the corrosion of CLAM steel in flowing eutectic LiPb, Fusion Engineering and Design,  Vol.84, 2009, p.5-8

  262. Ripple Effect and Impact of Test Blanket Module by Using RAFM Steel on the Plasma of ITER, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, 2009, p.1206-1213

  263. Influence of Non-metal Inclusions on Mechanical Properties of CLAM Steel, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, 2009, p.1214-1218

  264. Analysis on Tritium Controlling of the Dual-Cooled Lithium Lead Blanket for Fusion Power Reactor FDS-II, Fusion Engineering and Design,  Vol.84, 2009, p.1779-1783

  265. Status and Strategy of Fusion Materials Development in China, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.386-388, 2009, p.400-404

  266. Effect of Surface Preparation on CLAM/CLAM Hot Isostatic Diffusion Bonding Joints, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.386-388, 2009, p.550-552

  267. Preliminary Analysis of irradiation effects on CLAM After Low-dose Neutron Irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.386-388, 2009: p.312-314

  268. Thermo-Mechanical Analyses of the High Heat Flux Component for ITER Dual Functional Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11,No.2, 2009, p.236-240

  269. Insulating Performance Requirements for the Coating Material in the ITER DFLL Electromagnetic TBM based on the MHD Analysis, Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol.386-388, 2009, p.904-907

  270. Preliminary Tritium Safety Analysis on China DFLL-TBM for ITER, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.84, 2009, p.2114-2117

  271. Analysis on Plasma-Driven Tritium Permeation through the First Wall of DFLL-TBM in ITER, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.6, 2009, p.730-733

  272. Preliminary Safety Analysis for the Chinese ITER Dual-Functional Lithium-Lead Test Blanket Module, Nuclear Fusion. Vol.49, No.7, 2009, p.075040(6pp)

  273. Integral Data Benchmark of HENDL2.0/MG Compared with Neutronics Shielding Experiments, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol.11, No.5, 2009, p.625-631

  274. Development of Monte Carlo automatic modeling functions of MCAM for TRIPOLI-ITER application, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol.605, 2009, p.384–387

  275. 核电站风险监测器软件开发研究,核动力工程, Vol.30, No.1, 2009, p.26-30

  276. 激光雷达测量系统故障树分析,红外与激光工程, Vol.38, No.2, 2009, p.335-339

  277. 中国液态金属锂铅实验回路DRAGON-IV MHD实验段设计与分析, 核科学与工程, Vol.29, No.1, 2009, p.76-80

  278. HENDL2.1/CG数据库的临界基准测试与分析, 核科学与工程, Vol.29, No.1, 2009, p.67-70

  279. 多用途核数据库HENDL2.0的重核基准校验, 核科学与工程,  Vol.29, No.1 2009, p.71-75

  280. 中国系列液态锂铅实验回路设计与研发进展,核科学与工程, Vol.29, No.2, 2009, p.161-169

  281. SN方法自动建模程序SNAM在EAST纵场线圈核热计算中的应用,核科学与工程, Vol.29, No.2, 2009, p.176-180

  282. 中国实验包层模块材料研发进展,核科学与工程, Vol.29, No.3, 2009, p.260-265

  283. ITER氚增殖实验包层设计研究进展,核科学与工程, Vol.29, No.3, 2009, p.266-272

  284. CAD-based Modeling for 3D Particle Transport, 2009 International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Method & Reactor Physics, The Saratoga Hotel & Conference Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, 2009

  285. Improved Model on Minimizing Static Intensity Modulation Delivery Time, the 2nd International Conference on Biomadical Engineering and Informatics, Tianjin, China, 2009

  286. Photon Energy Spectrum Reconstruction by Several Regression Algorithms in Radiotherapy, Yangtze River 2009 International Conference on Medical Imaging Physics& The 5th National Annual Meeting of Medical Imaging Physics(ICMIP-09), Nanjing, China, 2009

  287. A Reliable 3D-reconstruction Program in Accurate Radiotherapy Treatment Planning System, Yangtze River 2009 International Conference on Medical Imaging Physics& The 5th National Annual Meeting of Medical Imaging Physics(ICMIP-09), Nanjing, China, 2009


  288. 中性束注入器真空系统的研究与发展, 2009真空年会,中国青海西宁,2009

  289. MW级中性束注入器低温真空系统的设计,中国核学会2009年学术年会,中国北京,2009

  290. EAST长脉冲中性束注入器的研制,中国核学会2009年学术年会,中国北京,2009

  291. HT-7 诊断中性束评价系统温升特性分析,核技术,Vol.32, No.1 2009, p.76-80

  292. 利用密度反馈实现离子源长脉冲放电,强激光与粒子束,Vol.21, No.9, 2009, p.81-84

  293. PEV压电晶体阀流量率标定试验,真空, Vol.46, No.3, 2009, p.85~88

  294. 低温吸附泵用椰壳活性炭性能测试,低温与超导,Vol.38, No.1, 2010, p.89~94

  295. 聚变装置大功率中性束注入加热技术的发展及应用,安徽新能源技术创新与产业发展博士科技论坛,2010

  296. 强流离子源研制工艺技术的发展及应用,安徽新能源技术创新与产业发展博士科技论坛,2010

  297. 磁约束核聚变与托卡马克等离子体加热,安徽新能源技术创新与产业发展博士科技论坛,2010

  298. Ion source plasma parameters measurements based on Langmuir probe with commercial frequency sweep, Fusion Engineering and Design. Vol.85, 2010, p. 64-68


  299.Sudden disruption of the cross-tail current in the magnetotail,, Physics of Plasmas,  Vol. 15, 2008, 032906(1-4)

  300. A Simulation Study of Hall Effect on Double Tearing Modes, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol.10, No.4, 2008, p.407- 412.

  301. Generation of Electric Field and Net Charge in Hall Reconnection, Chinese Physics Letters,Vol. 25, No 8, 2008: p. 2934-2937.

  302. An island coalescence scenario for the near-Earth current disruption in the magnetotail, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 26, No.8, 2009, p.089401(1-4)

  303. Dynamic Processes of Cross-Tail Current in the Near-Earth Magnetotail, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 26, No.5, 2009, p.059401(1-4)

  304. Spectral Properties of MHD Turbulence in 2.5-Dimensional Compressible Plasmas, Plasma Science and Technology,  Vol.11,No.2, 2009, p.146-151

  305. Hall效应对MHD湍流的能量衰减的影响,核聚变与等离子体物理, Vol.29, No.2, 2009, p. 126-130