报告人: 傅国勇 教授(浙江大学)
主持人: 孙有文 研究员
时 间: 2024年12月13日(星期五)上午9:00-10:00
地 点: EAST控制大厅3楼会议室
We report the development of the Gyrokinetic-MHD Energetic particle hybrid Code GMEC for efficient and accurate simulations of energetic particle (EP)-driven Alfven instabilities and EP transport in magnetic fusion plasmas such as ITER. In the hybrid model, electrons are treated as a fluid, EPs and thermal ions are described by gyro-kinetic equations. The energetic particle effects enter in the gyrokinetic vorticity equation via pressure terms which are obtained by solving the gyrokinetic equations using PIC method. The field-aligned coordinates and meshes are used to efficiently resolve mode structures of high-n Alfven modes. Five-points 4th order finite differences and 4th order Runge-Kutta method are used for numerical differentiations and time advance respectively. The Compile-time Symbolic Solver (CSS) is developed to generate coding from vector equations symbolically [1]. CSS expands vector equations into components scalar equations at compile-time, and greatly simplifies coding of differential equations in toroidal curvilinear coordinates using finite difference method. Both MPI and TBB are used for parallelization. The code can run on both CPU and GPU platforms. Successful verifications for EP-driven Alfven modes have been done [1, 2]. The code has been optimized systematically, especial for fast memory access, resulting in simulation speeds much faster than those of other similar codes. The code has been applied successfully in simulating EP-driven Alfven instabilities in present tokamak experiments and future burning plasmas with realistic geometry. The results of alpha-driven Alfven eigenmodes in ITER are consistent with those of GTC. Applications of the code to EAST and HL-2A/HL-3 are in progress. Details of GMEC and initial applications will be presented.
报告人简介:傅国勇,1983年毕业于中国科技大学取得学士学位,并通过李政道教授主持的CUSPEA项目去美国留学,1988年在美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校取得物理博士学位。曾长期在美国普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室工作,主要从事磁约束聚变等离子体物理研究,在该领域取得了一系列国际领先的科研成果,在权威刊物上发表了167篇学术论文(包括12篇PRL论文),总引用次数5900余次,H-index 达44。1998年由于其在托卡马克试验聚变反应堆(TFTR)中发现了阿尔法粒子驱动的环阿尔芬本征模而荣获了Kaul基金奖(Kaul Foundation Prize)。2006年由于其在高能量粒子驱动的阿尔芬本征模和仿星器的磁流体稳定性方面的开创性工作,被选为APS Fellow。2015年入选国家高层次人才,2016年入职浙江大学,担任物理学院教授和聚变理论与模拟中心主任。